Merging Traffic (1 hour to 1 weekend)
Nuts-and-bolts ideas for marital communication.

Alternately talking to each other and to the audience, Ruth and Dennis together tell stories from their own 37 years of working at their marriage. These anecdotes illustrate principles of marital communication. Add biblical quotations that convey these principles and you've got a 1-2-3 punch that reaches listeners with their minds, emotions and spirits. They typically tell six or seven stories in an hour.

Here's one example:
Story: The Sorry Chair in Little Norway, Wisconsin.
Principle: Clear up tensions before you go to bed. At least make an appointment to clear them up, with a third party's help if necessary. Say "I love you," not as a report of your feelings but an affirmation of your dedication.

Scripture: Eph 4:26-27 Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry.

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