Vitality Therapy Seminar (1 hour to 1 weekend)
Dozens of techniques you can use if you find people asking you for personal help, and you have only a brief opportunity. Based on Dennis' book Vitality Therapy.

This workshop is aimed at Christians who do not make their living at counseling, but who often find people seeking them out for help. Dennis and Ruth teach ideas on how to make the best use of brief conversations, whether in person or on the phone. They describe and demonstrate novel therapeutic techniques that promote rapid changes in the perspective that counselees take on their problems, so that they are "transformed by the renewing of their minds," ala Romans 12:2.

Attendees will be more effective in their counseling with a unique, new set of tools for encouraging those with whom they come in contact. "You won't get this anywhere else!"

Workshops allow abundant questions from participants, but do not require interaction from them.

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